ace attorney造句
- Ema Skye also appears in " Ace Attorney Investigations ".
- I mostly listen to theme music from games and Ace Attorney fancases.
- "Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney Trilogy " was better received.
- In " Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney : Trials and Tribulations"
- Franziska's most recent appearance comes in " Ace Attorney Investigations ".
- "Ace Attorney " characters have made cross-over appearances in other video games.
- Hiroki Narimiya portrays Phoenix in the 2012 live-action film " Ace Attorney ".
- Some " Ace Attorney " characters appear in " Taiko Drum Master : Doko Don!
- Takumi also acted as a script supervisor for the 2016 " Ace Attorney " anime series.
- Edgeworth returns once again in " Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney-Spirit of Justice ".
- It's difficult to see ace attorney in a sentence. 用ace attorney造句挺难的
- Apollo returns as a playable character in " Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney : Dual Destinies ".
- The lead development was handled by Shu Takumi, creator of the " Ace Attorney " franchise.
- GameSpot has credited " Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney " in particular for revitalizing the adventure game genre.
- Like previous " Ace Attorney " games, it consists of several cases, or " Turnabouts ".
- Miles Edgeworth returns in the fifth main game " Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney : Dual Destinies ".
- They did however add in-jokes for players who had played previous " Ace Attorney " games.
- He also voiced the Witch Trial Judge in " Professor Layton vs . Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney ".
- She becomes his legal assistant and investigates cases with him in the first three " Ace Attorney " games.
- His team began work on " Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney ", a realization of the latter concept.
- She returned after several years and joined the police force as a detective in " Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney ".
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